Alzheimers Symptoms
and Glutathione

This page lists the Alzheimers symptoms most commonly observed in patients and explains how the master antioxidant can help.

In this page:

Very early

Very early sign of Alzheimers is memory loss. As the disease progresses, memory loss continues and other cognitive problems appear.

Mid Alzheimers Symptoms

This is where most people are diagnosed with AD. Patients experience

  • getting lost
  • have trouble handling money and paying bills
  • poor judgment
  • small mood and personality changes

Moderate Alzheimer’s Disease

In this stage, memory loss and confusion increase. People with AD begin to have problems recognizing their friends or family. They may be unable to learn new things.

Doing activities that involve many steps (such as getting dressed) are becoming difficult. And they may experience hallucinations, delusions, and paranoia.


Severe AD Symptoms

People with advanced AD cannot communicate and are completely dependent on others for their care. Some patients may be in bed most or all of the time as the body shuts down.


Alzheimer's is a complex disease and so there is no one way of curing it. Mostly, it is managed by taking approved drugs, care by family members or caregivers, and preventing it from progressing in the first place.

What is the role of Glutathione in AD

The key to beating AD is prevention. Perhaps the doctor that started it all is Dr. David Perlmutter.  He pioneered the study of glutathione as a novel treatment of Parkinson's Disease, another brain disease. His research gained FDA approval as an experimental protocol at the National Parkinson's Foundation.

Dr. Perlmutter has observed what he calls the "glutathione miracle"as he has seen patients with severe Parkinson's disease within one hour be able to stand, walk and move their arms around normally.

Because of his pioneering work, glutathione has been used intravenously to treat Parkinson's as well as Alzheimer's patients.

The intravenous antioxidant therapy is also known as chelation. It is an specially compounded formula, administered intravenously (as a drip) weekly on an outpatient basis (takes around 2 hours).

It is a painless and easy procedure. In fact, hundreds of thousands of cases has been successfully reported. It's proof to its safety and effectiveness.

Glutathione's ability to remove toxic damaging metals has been pointed out. It also can reverse age-deterioration. Specifically, it can reverse the cross-linkage of proteins that leads to wrinkles, stiffness and poor movement function.

That, in a nutshell, is how glutathione can help Alzheimer's as well as Parkinson's patients as well.

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